Avoiding Awkward Moments with the Jury during Voir Dire

Arkansas attorney H. William Allen identifies a good communication tactic to help jurors think differently and become more at ease during voir dire.  For attorneys and consultants alike, it’s sometimes easy to forget how awkward and and intrusive voir dire can be.  Mr. Allen addresses a simple tactic of how carefully selecting your vocabulary early on, can influence the way jurors process information.

Content provided by the Litigation Section of the ABA

New iPad App Declutters Voir dire

A new app for the iPad is proving to be a contender in the litigation technology world.  Jury Pad from Bench and Bar helps attorneys and consultants alike leave their legal pads, sticky notes and even pens and papers at home and organizes all the relevant information one would need during voir dire.  With the ability to pre-load information from your Pc or Mac ahead of time, this app can be used on the fly or prior to court.

The app also allows you to export all your information to a spreadsheet or text file to share with the rest of your trial team.  A true innovation in trial technology!

Find more information here:


iPad Screenshot 1

12 Ways to Avoid a Trial Technology Superbowl-style Courtroom Blackout

How could this happen and what caused it?

Well, inconceivable trial technology failures are precisely the kind of thing you need to plan for in the courtroom. At some point in everyone’s career, something is bound to go wrong during trial, and you need to minimize the chance of something going wrong with your trial technology.

Here are 12 possible problems that could lead you to fumble the ball during your trial presentations, and here are ways of preventing them.


by Ken Lopez
Founder & CEO
A2L Consulting

trial technology consultants avoid failure

Using Technology to Effectively Communicate During Depositions

Texas attorney, Barry F. McNeil gives a look at using technology to communicate effectively during depositions.  I think it’s extremely important to heed Mr. McNeil’s words here as he comments on simple technology that can be used to have a great impact at trial.  It’s especially noteworthy, that he comments on how cost effective these technologies are.  During a time when everyone is trying to cut their litigation costs, Mr. McNeil gives a candid response to how inexpensive it can be to use technology that works.


Avoid This Common Mistake in Your Litigation Graphic Design BEFORE Going to Court

Presentation Points

Expert Presentation Tips from the Consultants at VisuaLex

Today’s software and technologies give us the capability of doing a lot of things to visualize our presentations, ideas, and concepts. However, we must be careful not to detract from the message by incorporating too many bells and whistles at once. A frequent mistake in litigation graphics is allowing the aesthetic to take center stage and ignoring the content of our presentations. Performing a simple test on each graphic is one way to overcome this common pitfall. Hold a copy of your demonstrative at arm’s length and ask the question: In viewing this, what am I taking away? If the answer is not readily apparent or if it is not one of the strategic themes of your case, it is a strong indication that you should go back to the drawing board. The goal for each illustration is to deliver one compelling, stand-alone statement that conveys your intended message and resonates with the viewer. The end result is to not attract attention to your presentation method, transitions, borders, background, etc. but rather to clarify the content. In order to give the most convincing presentation, make sure you are “communicating” and not just simply “decorating.”

-David W. Mykel


Want to Become a Better Communicator? Become a Better Leader


The lack of leadership abilities, an inability to engender respect and overall poor performance was killing his profits. Unfortunately, while his way of describing his leaders was a novel one (i.e., morbid curiosity), the existence of poor leadership is anything but a novelty.

The most commonly occurring of these competencies are:

  • Envision an Outcome – The ability to clearly envision a strategic outcome, think conceptually and see the big-picture.
  • Understand Others – Often called “Emotional Intelligence” this is the ability to accurately understand those being lead.
  • Inspire Others – Brining understanding of the strategic vision and emotional intelligence together to effectively communicate that vision and achieve buy in.
  • Understand Themselves – One of the most overlooked traits, this is the ability to objectively understand one’s own strengths and weaknesses.

Complete Your Leadership Talents Profile Here

By guest author Jay Niblick, Founder/CEO – Innermetrix Inc.
